2008년 10월 26일 일요일

blog#3 Great expectations 4-7

The two convicts were discovered by police officer in marsh and they were captured Pip's convicts protect Pip by claming that he stole food and a file to break handcuff. Two convicts were sent to prisoner and out of Pip's life. After it, he could get out from little bit of guilty. one day Mr. Pumblechook and Joe made arragement with Havisham, a rich spinster who lives nearby. Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook hope she will make Pip's fortune. So to prepare this happened he dressed with new suit and had clear appearance

this chapters could feel like peace. Finally Pip could get out from guilty and he could believe that there is no fortune that makes him to meet convict again. After big tension, there is resoultion that makes him to release. so these chapters are mostly resolution

2008년 10월 19일 일요일

blog #2 Great expectations

Pip had sense of guilt, after helping covict so he checked police. however he couldn't find any policeman near by his house. It was Christmas dinner, his uncle Pumblechook came to Pip's house and the church clerk, Mr wopsle came too. he was worried about sneaking. Pumblechook asked food that Pip was sneaking to convict. Suddenly police man came to Pip's house. Pip thought that policeman came to caugt him but policeman came for repairing his handcuff. actually pip's sister's husband, Joe worked in a black smith. he was peace and he slept.

I think Pip was too pure. because he worried about police man and food that he stolen. even it was not discovered. when policeman came to Pip's house, Pip was quite horriefied himself. Since Pip was too pure, the guilt hurts his mind.

Pure is useless..........

Blog #1 Great expectations

There was boy whose name is phillip, when he was infant he was kind of dum. he can't speack his name. He was orphan, he was raised by his older sister. One day he met one guy in churchyard. The guy was kind of mess. He weard rag and there was chain on his foot. the convicts asked pip to bring foods and something that could cut chain. Next morning he sneaked food and a file from home and he brougt it to convicts Few days later Pip met prisoner again. Before he get there he saw another convicts that are suffering from cold and hunger and Pip told to convict that he saw your friend and the convicts become violently.

In the book there is several serious tension. when Pip met convicts and he sneak food and a file to him, there was tension. also in the book it was well described about guilt of what pip had. I think Pip was quite pure so he was worrying about convict and he treat convict kindly even he knows it would give him guilt

2008년 10월 1일 수요일

indirect characterization

My character's name is yangachi. I am going to describe him by indirect characterization. Everytime I see him, he has girlfriend with him. also when he walked with her, i can see his smile. however he broked with his girlfriend. After broke up with her, he didn't talk a lot and he drink alone. sometimes he just hit something.
